Just stop searching for your holiday and read this short article, it might save you money! When planning your holiday or trip away how do you go about booking your accommodation? Do you use a search engine, like Google? It is a great of finding what you are looking for. It will display all your options for your chosen destination. You will find a few hacks why #Bookdirect is the way to go.
You will be shocked
Why I can hear you ask? Booking.com/ Expedia/ Tripadvisor/ Airbnb and many more will try a trick (image below) u in believing their side is the actual business website.? Sadly they have a large marketing budget to pay the likes of Google to put their site on the top of the list. Unfortunately, we, like most accommodation providers do not have this budget.
Because of all these big budgets, small provider websites often slide down to pages 2, 3, or worse, and you will not be able to find them as quickly as you (and us) want and have the patience for.
Amazing search engine
We are not saying don’t use the large OTA’s (Online Travel Agents), like Booking.com. Use it as it is an amazing search engine. however, we say use them to your (and our) advantage. I use Booking.com to find my perfect accommodation however I always try to book direct with the host!
Yes, I do use Booking.com however only for two reasons!
?Great Map – Showing the location of the accommodation to my destination.
?Reviews – Genuine reviews by people who have stayed at the hotel/ B&B.
Of course, it is almost effortless to book a room with them! If you have a Booking.com profile, you only need to change location and date and done. However, a lot of the other things booking.com claims, Free cancellation/ Best rates, etc, are untrue! At least with us at The Hive at 52.
Help us both!
Help us save you money, and you cansave us money, we would be forever grateful? When searching your accommodation, make sure you choose the actual small business owner! For us, it is the address below. yes we know it means you might have to go to page 2 on Google please do search a little further??
#Boodirect and why?
Why would you book direct on our website or call us, and not just book with Booking.com or another OTA?
?You save at least 15% on the room rate.
? All our #bookdirect rates include breakfast.
? #Bookdirect bookings you can cancel up to 7 days before arrival (14 days on OTA’s).
? Payment on departure for #Bookdirect bookings(14 days prior on OTA’s).
? Earlier check-in time
? Support a small local business
We would appreciate it if you #Bookdirect with us if you have any questions or like to book?
Contact us and we would be happy to help you.